428 East 6th Street
New Albany, IN 47150
(502) 386-5481
Website: brickstreetartstudios.com
Hours: Saturdays – Sunday 12pm to 4pm, by Appointment
Nights in Bloom
Featuring Richard Freeman
Website: thespacephiladelphia.com/online-store-richard-freeman
Dates: September 16- November 12, 2023
Events: Reception — October 28 2pm -5pm
Artist Talk — November 11 2pm – 5pm
On July 4, 2011, very much on impulse, he pointed his camera skyward to capture the fireworks as they exploded. While they launched and painted the sky with vibrant sparks and splashes, so to did Rick dance with his camera beneath the exciting display. When he got home and saw the pictures blown up on a larger screen for the first time, he was stunned by the ethereal, energetic images he’d created in collaboration with the fireworks display. This began a chronicle of 10 years of July skies, moments of time frozen in all of their unexpected chromatic beauty
Facebook: BrickStreetAS
Twitter: @artcomposter