713 East Market Street
Louisville, KY 40202
(502) 589-9254
Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm, and by appointment
Splendor, Myth & Ritual
Featuring Keith Carter
Dates: September 1 – December 31, 2021
Events: Pinhole Camera Workshop/Photo Walk with John Gleason Paul Paletti Gallery September 18, 9 am–1 pm
Artist Reception with Keith Carter, September 25, 2-5 pm
Frankfort Field Trip with Festival Director Paul Paletti, October 30, 9 am-3 pm
My photographs are imperfect observations of our relationship to time, place, memory, desire and regret. I think of them as a visual diary. They are meant to explore relationships that are timeless, enigmatic, and mythological. I often draw from the animal world, literature, vernacular culture, and folklore to examine externally objective, yet internally boundless themes where the world is both mysterious and ordinary. My explorations include the use of the traditional darkroom, arcane historical processes, as well as the contemporary digital world. In doing so I try to examine both the history of photography, and our own shared natural histories.
Dancing in the Street
Featuring Imogen Cunningham
Dates: September 9 – November 3, 2021
In conjunction with the Springfield Opera House and Wildflower Ranch Inn, the Paul Paletti Gallery will host a small satellite show of Imogen Cunningham’s photography.
“I have a formula for how to make a good photographer: I think that in order to make a good photograph, you have to be enthusiastic. That is, you have to think about it, like a poet would. And there are many choices, at that.” –Imogen Cunningham
Facebook: @paulpalettigallery
Instagram: @paulpalettigallery