University of Louisville –
Cressman Center for Visual Arts

    100 E. Main Street
    Louisville, KY 40202
    (502) 852-0288
    Hours: Wednesday – Friday : 11:00 am – 6:00 pm, Saturday: 11:00 am – 3:00 pm,
    Trolley Hop hours: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

    From the West End to the West Bank: Oppression, Racism and Resistance Group Show

    This exhibition is curated by UofL MFA candidate Shachaf Polakow in partnership with the University of Louisville Photographic Archives.

    Dates: September 10 – October 8, 2021
    Events: Opening Reception, September 17, 5-7 pm

    Both Louisville, KY, and Palestine have ongoing colonial and racist systems that actively benefit some over others. While sometimes it is an obvious act of violence, many times those systems are using legal and bureaucratic tools to discriminate against people. This exhibition uses photography to show similarities between the West End of Louisville and theWest Bank in Palestine. It brings together photographic evidence documenting years of oppression in both communities but also the ways these communities organized, resisted, and survived these violent realities.