721 East Washington Street
Louisville, KY 40202
Website: hylandglass.com
Hours: Monday- Friday 10am-5pm, by Appointment
Thomas Hart Shelby: A 50 Year Journey in Photography
Dates: September 5 – November 15, 2023
Events: Artist Reception September 8, 5pm-8pm
Website: goatrodeoproductions.com
This retrospective exhibition will contain work including: portrait, documentary and other whimsical photographic musings. From book and magazine projects to fashion and corporate work this show spans 50 years of creativity.
As a photographer for over 50 years I have been so fortunate to have had the opportunity to shoot everything ranging from journalism, fashion , landscape, portrait, corporate/commercial to whimsical. I would say that I make pictures that tell a story or make you feel a certain something. In my early career I was penalized for not specializing, I have no regrets, everything worked out just fine! I was lucky enough to find magazine editors who saw a wide skill set as an asset. Should I see something I like the looks of, I make the picture, and that’s that.
Instagram: @hylandglasslouky